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Navigation strategy with pepper
Running the Demo
run in different terminals the following commands or use “command &”:
to connect Pepper to ROS (the parameter network_interface needs to be changed according to the network interface with which you connect to the robot Pepper, ie wireless or wired, to check with ifconfig):
cd /opt/ros/kinetic/share/naoqi_driver/launch/ roslaunch naoqi_driver.launch nao_ip:= network_interface:=wlp2s0
To apply the calibration parameters of the 3D camera :
source /home/user/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash roslaunch extrinsic_calibration register_depth.launch
You can check with rosrun rviz rviz : add a PointCloud2 on topic /naoqi_driver/camera/depth_registered/points and in Global Options > Fixed Frame : odom.
To convert a 3D Point Cloud (from topic /naoqi_driver/camera/depth_registered/points) into a 2D laser scan :
cd /opt/ros/kinetic/share/pointcloud_to_laserscan/launch roslaunch sample_node.launch
You can check with rosrun rviz rviz : add a LaserScan on topic /camera/scan and in Global Options > Fixed Frame : odom.
To start navigation (ie packages AMCL for localisation and move_base for planification) :
cd /home/user/catkin_ws/src/pepper_plymouth_ros/launch/ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash roslaunch nav.launch
Then, run the user interface (to give goal points) in another terminal:
cd /home/user/Bureau/khalil\ serrakh/Khalil\ SERRAKH/Logiciels/peppermajordome/scripts/ python
Pepper shows on its screen a map of the apartment and asks “ou veux-tu que j'aille?”. The locations defined are : la cuisine, le salon, la salle à manger, l'entrée de la maison, reviens à ta place. These locations can be changed in file in function init
- Install ros kinetic with command
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full
. The details can be read here : You will have created a catkin workspace CATKIN_WS (for instance ~/catkin_ws) - For the map. Run:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octomap sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-map-server
- For the localisation. Run:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-amcl sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-humanoid-localization
In order to perform an extrinsic calibration of RGB and Depth cameras of Pepper robot, you can use either our package or follow the ROS tutorial (
roslaunch extrinsic_calibration register_depth.launch
- Install ROS packages for NAO with the instructions from,,
- download from aldebaran the Python SDK the compressed file pynaoqi-python2.7- and install according to the instructions In details :
- Set the environnement variable PYTHONPATH to /path/to/python-sdk/lib/python2.7/site-packages by doing for example:
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home/user/NaoPepper/pynaoqi-python2.7-
- check the installation with python
import naoqi
If no error message is written, the library is imported. Else read
- ROS packages for the Nao robot
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-move-base-msgs ros-kinetic-octomap ros-kinectic-octomap-msgs ros-kinetic-humanoid-msgs ros-kinetic-humanoid-nav-msgs ros-kinetic-camera-info-manager ros-kinetic-camera-info-manager-py sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-nao-robot
- For Pepper, refer to
sudo apt-get install ros-driver-base
did not work. Package driver-base is deprecated and is not compatible with ros kinetic
- How to check the connection with pepper?
ping pepper.local ping
Humain Robot interaction
launch x3d server :
cd /home/user/Bureau/khalil serrakh/Khalil SERRAKH/Test/Dialogue Homme Machine/Serveur IP clВ XXD java -jar deltadore.xxd.ipgateway.jar 54321 /dev/ttyUSB0
run x3d server :
cd /home/user/Bureau/khalil serrakh/Khalil SERRAKH/Test/Dialogue Homme Machine/Serveur IP clВ XXD java -jar deltadore.xxd.ipgateway.jar 54321 /dev/ttyUSB0
run in terminal:
cd /home/user/Bureau/khalil\ serrakh/Khalil\ SERRAKH/Logiciels/peppermajordome/scripts/ python
The robot Pepper waits for us to say “Bonjour” or tries to detect a person next to him at a distance < 1m. Then the robot guides the person on the possible interactions.