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Welcome to RoboLabo!
This site's contents. All the pages on this site are organised by projects. They are tagged by robots, material, software, programming languages…
Current topics
The main topics are currently :
Most recent changes
- Robotcupathome2023
- Daily Activity Dataset Imta Ensta
- Start
- Hardware
- Rb1 Quickstart
- Rb1 Simulation
- Comparatif Openpose Kinect
- Stage D Ete 2020 Simsvirtualhome
- Template-project
- Stage 2016 Decomposition Movements Hmm
- Stage Poppy Ecriture Chiffres
- Capture Mouvements Optitrack Zed 2018 S5
- Ros Xaal
- Smarthome
- Robot And Home Automation
All topics
main préhensile pour le robot Poppy et interface tangible