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Robotic_arm_controler (ROS package)

This package do the link between robotic_arm_package, the objects_detection_package and the user. It also possesses a launch file that launch all these packages.

When this package receive a target position (/arm_controler/new_coordinates), it will move the object on the last position known to the new position

This package was developed for the Indigo distro and is using the catkin package type.

To install it, you just have to download the following archives and extract it in …/catkin_ws/src, then open a console, go to catkin_ws and enter the command



You will also need to install the others packages in order to use all the features.

Open a console and enter the command :

rosrun robotique_arm_controler robotique_arm_controler

If you have installed all package of the robotic arm and the oject detection, you can instead enter this command

roslaunch robotique_arm_controler robotic_arm.launch

In both case, you will need to enter this command in another console in order to send the command to the arm :

rostopic pub -1 /arm_controler/new_coordinates geometry_msgs/Pose "{position:[X, Y, Z], orientation:[0, 0, 0, 0]}"

Subscribed topics

/object_detection/red_objects_position (geometry_msgs/PoseArray)

This topic will send the position of the object detected (currently only the red object are detected and only the first object is used by robotic_arm_controler).

/arm_controler/new_coordinates (geometry_msgs/Pose)

This topic is used to send the position where the object must be move.

Published topics

/arm_controler/arm_command (geometry_msgs::PoseArray)

This is the result of the other two topics, it is the command for the robotic_arm_package, giving the position of the object and then the target position

  • There is an English error in the name
  • robocup/robotic_arm_controler_package.1490961001.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 14:08
  • (external edit)