The robotic arm is part of the robocup project. Its purpose is to detect and catch specifics objects and displace them to another position.
The arm is composed of 4 used dynamixels (two EX-106+, one RX64 and one MX28) who communicate via the USB2Dynamixel device.
The hand was inspired by a real human hand. There are two tendons for each fingers, allowing a lot of movement. It is composed of 12 servomotors DS95 (only 10 are actually used).
The arm must be connected to a computer using a Linux Operating System. The project also needs ros installed with the Indigo distro.
You must also have these ROS packages installed :
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/object_detection/red_objects
rostopic pub -1 /arm_controler/new_coordinates geometry_msgs/Pose "{position:[X, Y, Z], orientation:[0, 0, 0, 0]}"
During the test, be sure to check if none of the dynamixel red led is on, and the current of the external supplier is no more than 6A. If that's the case, unplug the chargers. Moreover, be careful when unplugging the arm charger (laptop charger) because the arm will fall so hold it before unplug it.
Code for the maple mini. It open or close the hand each time it receive an instruction via usb serial port.
Code::Blocks project developed on Ubuntu OS. It is used to control the arm (old, it is better to use the ROS packages)