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ros [2015/10/28 15:41]
ros [2019/04/25 14:08] (current)
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-====== Robot Operating ​system ​======+====== Robot Operating ​System ​====== 
 The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. It is organised in nodes, topic and services. Each node can subscribe or publish on a topic, allowing the node to communicate. The nodes can also proposed services that can be used by others nodes. For example, a node can have the addition service, if another node send a request to this service with two number, the node will answer with the sum of this numbers.http://​wiki.ros.org/​ The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. It is organised in nodes, topic and services. Each node can subscribe or publish on a topic, allowing the node to communicate. The nodes can also proposed services that can be used by others nodes. For example, a node can have the addition service, if another node send a request to this service with two number, the node will answer with the sum of this numbers.http://​wiki.ros.org/​
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 ===== Version ===== ===== Version =====
-The version of ROS used is the **Indigo ​distro** with the **Catkin format** for the packages.+The version of ROS used is the **Kinetic ​distro** with the **Catkin format** for the packages.
 ===== Tutorials ===== ===== Tutorials =====
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 ===== Packages ===== ===== Packages =====
-Here is the list of the different packages used on the project+Here is list of the different packages used on the previous projects
 +==== What is ROS ====
 +http://​www.clearpathrobotics.com/​2014/​01/​how-to-guide-ros-101 : "a particular sensor’s driver might be implemented as a node, which publishes sensor data in a stream of messages. These messages could be consumed by any number of other nodes, including filters, loggers, and also higher-level systems such as guidance, pathfinding,​ etc."
 +===== Best practice =====
 +Still thinking about how to write this part. In the meantime, here are some good links on that topic:
 +===== Advices =====
 +  * It is advice to add the line "​source path_to_your/​catkin_ws/​devel/​setup.bash" ​ to ~/.bashrc
 +===== Projects using ROS in our lab =====
  • ros.1446046911.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 14:08
  • (external edit)