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Bridging ROS and xAAL

  rosrun openni_tracker openni_tracker
  roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch

Check (optional)

  rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_color

To open the web streaming

  rosrun web_video_server web_video_server

and open a browser and go directly to

or see all available images on

Connect the computer and nao on the same network and get their ips and replace by their values in the following command :

  roslaunch nao_bringup nao_full_py.launch nao_ip:= roscore_ip:=

Run nao_xaal :

   rosrun nao_xaal   
  1. Install ros. You will have created a catkin workspace CATKIN_WS (for instance ~/catkin_ws)
  2. Install web_video_server ROS package. In more detail, download the code from and put the folder (with files package.xml and CMakeLists.txt) in CATKIN_WS/src. Then in CATKIN_WS, run


  3. Install the ros packages for kinect : openni_tracker and openni_launch
  4. Install ROS packages for NAO with the instructions from
    1. download from aldebaran the Python SDK the compressed file Python 2.7 SDK 1.14.5 Linux 64 and install according to th instructions In details :
    2. Set the environnement variable PYTHONPATH to /path/to/python-sdk by doing for example:
      $ export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/python-sdk
    3. check the installation with python
              import naoqi
    4. ROS packages for the Nao robot
      sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-driver-base ros-indigo-move-base-msgs ros-indigo-octomap ros-indigo-octomap-msgs ros-indigo-humanoid-msgs ros-indigo-humanoid-nav-msgs ros-indigo-camera-info-manager ros-indigo-camera-info-manager-py
      sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-nao-robot 
  5. Install xAAL
    1. revert to version 1271
    2. install all dependencies
      sudo apt-get install lua5.2* libmnl*  libsensors*  libjson0 libjson0-dev 
    3. go to folder xAAL/code/C/trunk/libxaal and execute
    4. install pysodium
      1. install libsodium with instructions from by downloading from the tar ball and run
        tar -xv libsodium*tar*
        cd libsodium*
        make && make check
        sudo make install
      2. download from the pysodium tar and install likewise
  • smarthome/ros_xaal.1490684972.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 14:08
  • (external edit)