Be sure to have the 1414 model for the kinect, else you won't be able to control its angle with ROS.
These tests were done using ROS with the indigo distro.
Plug the kinect on the computer and on the socket.
Open a terminal and enter the command “roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch” (wait until some yellow messages appear on the terminal)
Open a new terminal and enter the command “rosrun object_detection object_detection”
Open a new terminal and enter the command “rosrun kinect_aux kinect_aux_node”
Open a new terminal and enter the command “rostopic pub /tilt_angle std_msgs/Float64 – -30”
Open a new terminal and enter the command “rosrun image_view image_view image:=/object_detection/red_objects”
A new windows should open and should display the video from the kinect point of view with the red objects selected. Some numbers will appear, but they will be usefull only if the kinect is at the same height as the top of the computer tower. In that case, it will give the coordinates of the object from the kinect point of view.