====== Welcome to RoboLabo! ====== This site's contents. All the pages on this site are organised by projects. They are tagged by robots, material, software, programming languages... [[Newcomer's guide]] ===== Current topics ===== The main topics are currently : * [[Daily Activity Dataset IMTA Ensta]] * [[Multimodal Activity Dataset IMTA UoA]] * [[tag:poppy|Poppy]] * [[tag:poppy-kine|Poppy Kine]] * [[robocup|Robocup]] * [[deep_learning|Deep learning]] * [[smarthome|Robot and Home Automation]] * [[ROS]] * [[Yumi]] * [[tag:pepper|Pepper]] ===== Most recent changes ===== {{pagequery>*;sort=mdate:dsc,key2:cdate;limit=15;proper}} ===== All topics ===== [[Demonstrations]] [[poppy-kine:keraal_dataset]] [[stage_2016_decomposition_movements_HMM]] [[stage_poppy_ecriture_chiffres]] [[smarthome:stage_d_ete_2020_simsvirtualhome]] ++++ Projects| {{topic>projects}} ++++ [[comparatif openpose kinect]] [[main préhensile pour le robot Poppy et interface tangible]] ++++ Tools| * [[ROS]] * [[xAAL]] * [[Arduino]] * [[odroid_xu_4|Odroid]] * [[Dynamixel]] * [[Sensors]] * [[Speech recognition and text-to-speech]] ++++ ++++ Bibliography| * [[biblio:List of available ebooks]] * [[software:Download software]] * [[biblio:Proceedings]] * [[biblio: useful links]] ++++ ++++ Events| [[Séminaire du 01/12/2015]] ++++ ++++ How to use wiki| Syntax and explanations about dokuwiki: {{pagequery>@wiki *}} To create new content, please consider one of the following templates: * for project/internship reports : [[template-project]] * to describe any hardware product you may have used for projects or developments (robot, chip, board, sensor, etc.) [[template-hardware]] * to explain library or packages (either developed or taken from external sources) : [[template-software]] * to detail a ROS package either taken from external source, or developed internally: [[template-ros-package]] * to describe more theoretical/bibiographical tests and studies : [[template-study]] ++++ ===== Some tags ===== {{pagequery>@TAG: *; sort=title}}