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user:kserrakh [2018/09/11 19:52]
mai [Install]
user:kserrakh [2019/07/08 16:51] (current)
mai Tag0 Added: pepper,ros,tutorial,xaal
Line 99: Line 99:
   java -jar deltadore.xxd.ipgateway.jar 54321 /​dev/​ttyUSB0   java -jar deltadore.xxd.ipgateway.jar 54321 /​dev/​ttyUSB0
   ​   ​
-to display local images on the touch screen :+to display local images on the touch screen, change in the program serveurhttp.py the HOST variable to input your IP address ​:
   cd /​home/​user/​Bureau/​khalil\ serrakh/​Khalil\ SERRAKH/​Logiciels/​peppermajordome/​scripts/​   cd /​home/​user/​Bureau/​khalil\ serrakh/​Khalil\ SERRAKH/​Logiciels/​peppermajordome/​scripts/​
   python serveurhttp.py ​   python serveurhttp.py ​
   ​   ​
 and open a browser and go directly to  and open a browser and go directly to 
-  http://your_ip_address:9999
   ​   ​
 to open the web streaming on the tablet, run in different terminals the following commands or use "​command &" to open the web streaming on the tablet, run in different terminals the following commands or use "​command &"
Line 112: Line 112:
   rosrun web_video_server web_video_server   rosrun web_video_server web_video_server
   ​   ​
-run in terminal: ​  +Make sure you use the right dialogue.txt and modele_interaction.py,​ then run in terminal: ​  
   cd /​home/​user/​Bureau/​khalil\ serrakh/​Khalil\ SERRAKH/​Logiciels/​peppermajordome/​scripts/​   cd /​home/​user/​Bureau/​khalil\ serrakh/​Khalil\ SERRAKH/​Logiciels/​peppermajordome/​scripts/​
   python modele_interaction.py   python modele_interaction.py
Line 183: Line 183:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 before **stopping Octomap**. before **stopping Octomap**.
 +{{tag>​pepper ros tutorial xaal}}
  • user/kserrakh.1536695562.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 14:08
  • (external edit)