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robocup:robotic_arm_package [2017/03/31 11:44]
mai ↷ Page moved from robotic_arm_package to robobcup:robotic_arm_package
robocup:robotic_arm_package [2019/04/25 14:08] (current)
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 ====== Robotic_arm (ROS package) ====== ====== Robotic_arm (ROS package) ======
-{{tag> ROS ros_package}}+{{tag> ROS ros_package ​software}}
 =====Overview===== =====Overview=====
 This package cover the low and medium level for the robotic arm of the robocup project. It controls the servomotors of the arm and calculate the angle of each servomotors in order to go to a specific position. It also control the hand with two option : close hand and open hand. For controlling the hand, this code must be upload on the maple mini. This package cover the low and medium level for the robotic arm of the robocup project. It controls the servomotors of the arm and calculate the angle of each servomotors in order to go to a specific position. It also control the hand with two option : close hand and open hand. For controlling the hand, this code must be upload on the maple mini.
  • robocup/robotic_arm_package.1490960677.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 14:08
  • (external edit)