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smarthome:ros_xaal [2017/03/24 17:30]
mai created, first trial to visualise kinect image on a browser
smarthome:ros_xaal [2017/10/06 15:31]
mai [Install]
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 ====== Bridging ROS and xAAL ====== ====== Bridging ROS and xAAL ======
 +{{tag>​xAAL howto Nao ROS}}
 +Current status (20170330) : the demo does not run. Nao can walk but can not speak, all the other parts work fine.
 +The program is installed in folder ''​~/​catkin_ws/​src/​nao_xaal''​
 ===== Running the demo ===== ===== Running the demo =====
-    ​roscore +  ​roscore 
-    rosrun openni_tracker openni_tracker +  rosrun openni_tracker openni_tracker 
-    roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch+  roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
     ​     ​
-check (optional) ​    +Check (optional) ​    
-    rosrun image_view image_view image:​=/​camera/​rgb/​image_color+  rosrun image_view image_view image:​=/​camera/​rgb/​image_color
     ​     ​
-to open the web streaming ​    +To open the web streaming ​    
-    rosrun web_video_server web_video_server +  rosrun web_video_server web_video_server
-     +
- open a browser and go directly to     +
-    http://​​8080/​stream_viewer?​topic=/​camera/​rgb/​image_color +
-     +
- or see all available images on    +
-    http://​​8080+
     ​     ​
 +and open a browser and go directly to    ​
 +  http://​​8080/​stream_viewer?​topic=/​camera/​rgb/​image_color
 +or see all available images on   
 +  http://​​8080
 +Connect the computer and nao on the same network and get their ips and replace by their values in the following command :
 +  roslaunch nao_bringup nao_full_py.launch nao_ip:​= roscore_ip:​=
 +Run nao_xaal : (Current status 20170330: this does not do anything as Nao does not speak)
 +  rosrun nao_xaal controller.py ​  
 +===== Install =====
 +  - Install [[ros|ros]]. You will have created a catkin workspace CATKIN_WS (for instance ~/​catkin_ws)
 +  - Install [[http://​wiki.ros.org/​web_video_server|web_video_server ROS package]]. In more detail, download the code from https://​github.com/​RobotWebTools/​web_video_server and put the folder (with files package.xml and CMakeLists.txt) in CATKIN_WS/​src. Then in CATKIN_WS, run <​code>​catkin_make</​code>​.
 +  - Install the ros packages for kinect : [[http://​wiki.ros.org/​openni_tracker|openni_tracker]] and openni_launch
 +  - Install ROS packages for NAO with the instructions from http://​wiki.ros.org/​nao_robot,​ https://​github.com/​ros-naoqi/​nao_robot,​ http://​wiki.ros.org/​nao/​Tutorials/​Installation
 +      - download from [[https://​developer.softbankrobotics.com/​us-en/​downloads/​nao-v3|aldebaran]] the Python SDK the compressed file Python 2.7 SDK 1.14.5 Linux 64 and install according to th instructions http://​doc.aldebaran.com/​1-14/​dev/​python/​install_guide.html. In details :
 +      - Set the environnement variable PYTHONPATH to /​path/​to/​python-sdk by doing for example: <​code>​
 +$ export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/​path/​to/​python-sdk</​code>​
 +      - check the installation with python <​code>​
 +import naoqi</​code>​
 +      - ROS packages for the Nao robot <​code>​
 +sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-driver-base ros-indigo-move-base-msgs ros-indigo-octomap ros-indigo-octomap-msgs ros-indigo-humanoid-msgs ros-indigo-humanoid-nav-msgs ros-indigo-camera-info-manager ros-indigo-camera-info-manager-py
 +sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-nao-robot </​code>​
 +  - Install xAAL 
 +      - download from http://​recherche.telecom-bretagne.eu/​xaal/​software/​
 +      - revert to version 1271
 +      - install all dependencies <​code>​
 +sudo apt-get install lua5.2* libmnl* ​ libsensors* ​ libjson0 libjson0-dev </​code>​
 +      - go to folder xAAL/​code/​C/​trunk/​libxaal and execute <​code>​make</​code>​
 +      - install pysodium ​
 +          - install libsodium with instructions from https://​download.libsodium.org/​doc/​installation/​index.html#​integrity-checking by downloading from https://​download.libsodium.org/​libsodium/​releases/​ the tar ball  and run <​code>​
 +tar -xv libsodium*tar*
 +cd libsodium*
 +make && make check
 +sudo make install
 +          - download from https://​pypi.python.org/​pypi/​pysodium the pysodium tar and install likewise
 +  - Configure the system by inputing the right xaaladdr of the various smart home devices in file ~/​catkin_ws/​src/​nao_xaal/​scripts/​nao_xaal.conf
 +===== Troubleshooting =====
 +==== Kinect nodes ====
 +If you get an error like below while launching ​ ''​roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch''​
 +[FATAL] [1505723416.829285686]:​ Failed to load nodelet '/​camera/​points_xyzrgb_sw_registered` of type `depth_image_proc/​point_cloud_xyzrgb` to manager `camera_nodelet_manager'​
 +[FATAL] [1505723416.829758876]:​ Failed to load nodelet '/​camera/​disparity_depth` of type `depth_image_proc/​disparity` to manager `camera_nodelet_manager'​
 +[camera/​points_xyzrgb_sw_registered-12] process has died [pid 18701, exit code 255, cmd /​opt/​ros/​indigo/​lib/​nodelet/​nodelet load depth_image_proc/​point_cloud_xyzrgb camera_nodelet_manager --no-bond rgb/​image_rect_color:​=rgb/​image_rect_color rgb/​camera_info:​=rgb/​camera_info depth_registered/​image_rect:​=depth_registered/​sw_registered/​image_rect_raw depth_registered/​points:​=depth_registered/​points __name:​=points_xyzrgb_sw_registered __log:​=/​home/​ihsev/​.ros/​log/​551a83f0-9c4b-11e7-8d73-002710a3474c/​camera-points_xyzrgb_sw_registered-12.log].
 + the problem seems to be with memory allocation, Try typing this command in the same terminal where you get this error ''​killall XnSensorServer''​. then try launching the node again. If the process dies again, ''​ctrl+c''​ and then type the killall command again (it should say no processes found). Then try launching the node again.
 +Ref : https://​answers.ros.org/​question/​54863/​camera_nodelet_manager-1-process-has-died-error-with-kinect/​
 +==== Speech ====
 +speech.launch in ''​~/​catkin_ws/​src/​nao_robot/​nao_apps/​launch''​
 +but command ''​rosrun nao_apps nao_alife.py''​ crashes
 +What worked : 
 +I added to file ''​nao_full_py.launch''​ from ''​catkin_ws/​src/​nao_robot/​nao_bringup/​launch''​ the lines :
 +  <!-- enable alife -->
 +  <include file="​$(find nao_apps)/​launch/​alife.launch"​ >
 +    <arg name="​nao_ip" ​       value="​$(arg nao_ip)"​ />
 +  </​include>​
 +  <!-- enable speech -->
 +  <include file="​$(find nao_apps)/​launch/​speech.launch"​ >
 +    <arg name="​nao_ip" ​       value="​$(arg nao_ip)"​ />
 +  </​include>​
 +From the terminal: ​
 +roscore ​
 +roslaunch nao_apps speech.launch nao_ip:​= roscore_ip:​= network_interface:​=wlan0 OU roslaunch nao_bringup nao_full_py.launch nao_ip:​= roscore_ip:​= network_interface:​=wlan0
 +rostopic pub /speech -1 std_msgs/​String '​hello'​
 +===== References =====
 +Project report by Yiqiao Chen: {{:​report:​rappot_final_projet_205_v2.pdf|}}:​ web_video_server replaced webrtc
  • smarthome/ros_xaal.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/07/04 15:23
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