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robocup:kinect_aux_robotic_arm_package [2017/03/31 12:29]
mai tag
robocup:kinect_aux_robotic_arm_package [2019/04/25 14:08]
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-====== Kinect_aux_robotic_arm (ROS package) ====== 
-{{tag> ROS ros_package software Kinect}} 
-This package is the modified version of the [[http://​wiki.ros.org/​kinect_aux|kinect_aux]] package . It is used to modify the angle of the kinect (between -50° and 0° in absolute angle thanks to the accelerometer in the kinect). 
-This package was developed for the Indigo distro and is using the catkin package type and works with the model 1414 of the kinect but not with the model 1473. 
-To install it, you just have to download the following archives and extract it in .../​catkin_ws/​src,​ then open a console, go to catkin_ws and enter the command ​ 
- catkin_make 
-=====Quick tests===== 
-Enter this command in order to have the kinect parallel from the ground. 
- rostopic pub -1 /tilt_angle std_msgs/​Float64 -- 0 
-====Subscribed Topics==== 
-/tilt_angle (std_msgs/​Float64) 
-set the tilt angle, must be within [-50:0] degrees ​ 
-/led_option (std_msgs/​UInt16) 
-set the LED option, must be within [0:7]  
-====Published Topics==== 
-/imu (sensor_msgs/​Imu) 
-accelerometer data, you might want to change the topic to something like "​imu_kinect"​ to not conflict with the main imu.  
-/​cur_tilt_angle (std_msgs/​Float64) 
-current tilt angle  
-/​cur_tilt_status (std_msgs/​UInt8) 
-current tilt status 
-=====Bug reports and feature requests===== 
  • robocup/kinect_aux_robotic_arm_package.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 14:08
  • (external edit)