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robocup:objects_detection_package [2016/02/22 14:32]
robocup:objects_detection_package [2019/04/25 14:08]
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-====== Object_detection (ROS package) ====== 
-{{tag> ROS ros_package}} 
-This package use a kinect with the ros package openni_launch in order to detect a specific type of object. Currently, it can only detect the red objects. 
-This package was developed for the Indigo distro and is using the catkin package type. 
-To install it, you just have to download the following archives and extract it in .../​catkin_ws/​src,​ then open a console, go to catkin_ws and enter the command :  
- catkin_make 
-You must also have the openni_launch package. 
-=====Quick tests===== 
-Connect the kinect to the computer. 
-Open a console and enter the command 
- roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch 
-Open a new console and enter the command 
- rosrun object_detection object_detection 
-Then open another console and enter the command 
- rosrun image_view image_view image:​=/​object_detection/​red_objects ​ 
-A window will open, showing the view of the kinect with the detected object shown. 
-====Subscribed topics==== 
-/​camera/​rgb/​image_raw (sensor_msgs/​ImageConstPtr) 
-image rgb from openni_launch 
-/​camera/​depth/​image (sensor_msgs/​ImageConstPtr) 
-image depth from openni_launch 
-/​object_detection/​object_type (std_msgs/​Int32) 
-type of object to detect. Currently it is not use because there is only one type of object detected 
-====Published topics==== 
-/​object_detection/​red_objects (sensor_msgs/​ImageConstPtr) 
-rgb image with the detected objects highlighted 
-Not used and not working 
-/​object_detection/​red_objects_position (geometry_msgs/​PoseArray) 
-coordinates of the detected objects 
-=====Bug reports and feature requests===== 
  • robocup/objects_detection_package.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 14:08
  • (external edit)