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opennilaunch [2015/10/28 15:40]
opennilaunch [2019/04/25 14:08]
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-====== Openni_Launch ====== 
-This package is used to retrieve the informations from the kinect http://​wiki.ros.org/​openni_launch 
-===== Instructions ===== 
-First, you need to install the package 
-Then (to translate) 
-Voir image avec la kinect : 
-dans un terminal :  
- roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch 
-dans un autre terminal :  
-pour voir l'​image en RGB :  
- rosrun image_view image_view image:​=/​camera/​rgb/​image_color 
-pour voir l'​image depth :  
- rosrun image_view image_view image:​=/​camera/​depth/​image 
-pour voir l'​image disparity :  
- rosrun image_view disparity_view image:​=/​camera/​depth/​disparity 
-pour pouvoir afficher des nuages de points :  
- rosrun rviz rviz  
-Then, you have to configurate rviz, you can use the following tutorial http://​wiki.ros.org/​openni_launch/​Tutorials/​QuickStart 
  • opennilaunch.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 14:08
  • (external edit)