======Ros Architecture (Robocup)====== ===== First Version===== {{:2016-01-27_13.14.37.jpg?1000|}} {{tag>ros}} ===== Communication between the nodes ===== ==== ROS msgs used ==== [[http://docs.ros.org/indigo/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/Pose.html|Pose]] [[http://docs.ros.org/indigo/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/PoseArray.html|PoseArray]] [[http://docs.ros.org/indigo/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/Pose2D.html|Pose2D]] [[http://docs.ros.org/api/std_msgs/html/msg/Int32.html|Int32]] ==== Specific messages ==== ===message_type=== **Command** int type de movement : 1 -> follow, 2 -> take object, 3 -> go to int reference : reference to a person to follow or to an object to take Pose2D position : coordinate to go. In the case of movement type 1 or 2, the robot move to this position before searching the object or the person ==== Normalisation ==== distance : meter angle : radian