====== Openni_Tracker_Modified ===== {{tag>software, tutorial, Kinect ros_package}} This package is inspired by the Openni_Tracker package. In this case, it currently only return the position of the first user torso detected by the kinect. ===== Instructions ===== Modification du code openni_tracker_modified (kinect) - Allez dans le repertoire ~/catkin_ws/src/openni_tracker_modified/src/openni_tracker_modified.cpp, puis faites vos modifications. - Il faut ensuite dans un terminal faire la commande source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash si pas déjà fait, puis allez dans le repertoire catkin_ws et lancer la commande catkin_make. See [[mobile_vehicule]] ===== Download ===== V 1.0.0 : {{:openni_tracker_modified.tar.gz|}}